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It is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of other lives around us. Sometimes you sit back and wonder why those components are absent in your life, and other days you have fear while completely doubting the future. The more you compare where you’re at in life to where others are, the more you become increasingly unsatisfied with what you already have. When you appreciate each unique stage of life, there is an abundance of joy and fullness to be found.

Seasons of unknown are intended to force you to reprogram the desires of your heart. Sometimes what you want most in the world blinds you from what you need the most, and when you become fixated on comparisons with those around you, you no longer see the blessings in your peripheral.

Upon reflection, even the darkest times in your life possess an underlying message or source of growth. When your heart broke, you learned how to love yourself greatly and independently. When fired unexpectedly, you learned how to handle rejection and prove your talents. Our most pivotal life changes sneak up on us when we are least trying to find them.

The people you have the hardest time removing from your consciousness are often the ones who possess the things you most subconsciously desire. However, it is simple to let your mind wander and attribute qualities to situations that are not true. Another woman who appears to be the perfect family dynamic is not  smarter, or more deserving of love than you. Our mind becomes an inhospitable environment when our first reaction to others is of judgment and jealousy. Make your head space hospitable.

When we let people take a bed in our head space and we forget to place ourselves first and we drain our own resources. When we make our head space hospitable, the person in your mind will stay only awhile, then quickly exit. Life is never stationary and neither should you allow your thoughts to be. When you change the processes of your mind, when you choose first gratitude and joy, the rest will fall into place.

- Sharon L.

"Lé Epanoui helped me to fully embrace this season of life and trust my inner resilience. I am emotionally stronger and more prepared for life in general. My partner and I received phenomenal care and attention. The kind that every one needs, wants and deserves."

"Le Epanoui helped me fully embrace this season of life."

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- Kisha R.

"Le Epanoui's strong belief in the dignity of the maternal experience encouraged me to review my birth experience more encompassing light. I received careful, thoughtful guidance and amazing community support throughout. I highly recommend their services."

"My experience meant everything to me."

- Chloe M.

"When I booked my first appointment, I didn’t know what to expect. I wanted answers and strategies, but what I got was so much more. I joined a community of women who shared my experiences and the compassionate approach helped to dispel any shame I felt. I was eventually able to step into a better life for me and those I care about."

"I recommend Lé Epanoui for all mothers to be."