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Specially curated podcasts offering valuable information to assist with your health and wellness needs. Topics range from motivation, mental health to spirituality. Each podcast on this list invokes a mood, so you will be able to unwind while learning.   

Where inspiration is made simple, easy, and fun — every day.

podcasts for all moods and tastes

L'Atelier Privé

Welcome to L'Atelier Privé Podcast! We are so excited that you have chosen to take charge of your health and show your mind + body some well-deserved love. tell yourself as you wake up and move throughout your day. Set your life with meaning and intention.

We created the Atelier with our clientele in mind to empower women with knowledge and encourage them in taking an active role in decisions regarding their self-care. 

It's about prioritizing yourself and the growth you experience along the way.

THE  L'Atelier Privé PODCAST IS ABOUT your self-care.

Listening to a podcast on the go can be enjoyable, but creating a safe and calming space to unwind with a podcast is a must.

Incorporating podcasts into your self-care routine is a great way to decompress, and there are many ways to start a routine.

1. Mood lighting or dim lights is soothing to our eyes and mind. Using mood lighting allows your brain to know it is time for calm, peace, and relaxation.

2. Aromatherapy can be practiced in many ways. Candles, essential oils, incense, or wax melts are all good places to start with, and will allow you to feel comforted.

3. Touch is an important sense to incorporate into self-care routines. Curl up with a soft blanket or weighted blanket while you listen to your podcast. Another option is to put on fuzzy socks or pajamas to help feel relaxed.

Using your senses is crucial to a self-care routine because it helps ground us. It brings us back to a safe place where we can feel less worry. Adding in a podcast to your self-care routine will help you find your stillness. 

How to create a relaxing self-care space for podcasts

read our blog

Our blog is made with our clients in mind. We have created multiple articles and resources for use, and we believe it will help facilitate the healing process. There is something for everyone, and we hope it can provide you will comfort and support when you are not in session.

Need some advice? We created more content just for you.

Stay in the KNow + Grow with Us